
Assisting teams big and small.

No matter if you have one team or thousands. DNC Blocker can remove the need to have each individual team handle the DNC list on their own.


Reduce the Risk

Can your company afford not to follow the guidelines of the TCPA and DNC.

Whats The Problem?


The DNC Registry is growing Everyday. Federal DNC is over 640 million numbers

Access to customers for your product or service is declining

Risk of costly lawsuits by serial litigators is increasing due to DNC violations

Exposure to risks for your business grows as your salesforce increases


Whats the Solution?


DNC Blocker is the safest and cost-effective solution to securing your telesales campaigns

We have over 10 years in the telesales industry.

We have the most accurate compiled DNC and Litigator lists in the industry.

Designed to follow the DNC and TCPA rules and regulations

How Does It Work?

DNC Blocker plugs our DNC Source database directly into your teams dialers from our centralized remote location.

We then block our DNC Sourced database from inbound and outbound contact to and from your teams dialers

Why Use DNC Blocker?

Remove the risk for a higher chance of a mistakes and costly lawsuits to happen.

The more teams you have dialing, the higher the risk of a mistake being made by dialing a DNC number.

Doesn’t it make sense to block all of your sales teams from one source that’s been compiled for over 10 years using DNC Blocker rather than having each team having the responsibility to do this themselves?